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Ride to Indiana and Reviews
I’ve not been back long from a ride on my Bonnie north from central Florida to attend and cover for Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Magazine...
Adventure Travel in a Crowded World
Climbing Mount Everest sounds like an adventure, right? And, yes, I suppose it can be. But lately photos of crowds of climbers,...
Pannier Racks on a Vintage Motorcycle
Racks mounted and loaded with gear Adventure travel is my favorite thing, and close second to that is vintage motorcycles. So, I figure,...
Patience is a Virtue
There's a motorcycle in there…somewhere! Part One It was September of 2016. I was perusing FaceBook when this jumped out at me: “1978...
Review of Shinko 805/804s (and Some Other Tires)
Old set of 805/804s after 10,500 miles on left (rear tire) and new on right. It’s been a long time since I’ve updated the blog. I...
What is Adventure Riding?
Adventure riding is a phrase that is bandied about all over social media and in magazines and blogs. It's often represented by photos of...
Discovering the Motorcycle by Armand Ensanian
Have this every happened to you? You're hanging out with other motorcycle riders, shooting the breeze, and the conversation turns to the...
Better than Bungees—Rok Straps
It's really a simple idea. Imagine a quality bungee cord that adjusts to virtually any length and which can be adjusted for whatever...
Ride to the Rockies, Day Twenty-One
I got up early and had coffee and more conversation with Julie, then loaded the couple bags I had removed from the Bonnie the afternoon...
Ride to the Rockies, Day Twenty
I got up at seven and leisurely got the camp picked up and the bike loaded. Got on the road about 8:30 and found my way back to US 27. I...
Ride to the Rockies, Day Nineteen
I woke at 7 am and started gathering all my bags, which I had repacked the night before and brought them down to the bike. Many passing...
Ride to the Rockies, Day Eighteen
In the morning I repeated my breakfast of oatmeal and coffee and then walked outside to take a look at the many bikes gathered in the...
Ride to the Rockies, Day Seventeen
A bunch of vintage Hondas gathered on the circle for the upcoming bike show at the VJMC National Rally Group bike rides came and went...
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